Wednesday, July 17, 2013

'Stand your Ground' The Facts, We Want Your Opinion.....

‘Stand your ground!!’ The mere existence of this statute here in Florida has caused a large discussion and recent uproar. But how can such a controversial law have gone 8 years and into law in 30 states, without having the challenges it currently has, and what exactly does stand your ground entail? 

‘Stand your ground’ started as an NRA (National Rifle Association) bill that was supported by a controversial non-profit organization by the name of ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). The ‘stand your ground’ law came to popularity after a couple in Florida had an intruder in their home. In protection of themselves and their home they shot and killed the intruder. After months and months of litigation the husband was found to have been justified in his actions. Well, ALEC and the NRA felt that he should not have to go through such a legal process if he stood his ground in a place where he was legally allowed to be (his trailer home) and an intruder unlawfully entered and may have threatened their safety.

In comes ‘stand your ground’ (FL statute 776.013, specifically sub section 3) this provision basically states that if you are not engaging in unlawful activity you have the right to ‘stand your ground’ and meet force with force, in a place you have a legal right to be, if you believe you will meet great bodily harm or death, where previously you had the obligation to retreat. In addition, if you are found justified in your actions, you can gain immunity to criminal and civil charges in addition to your reasonable court costs, legal fees, loss of income etc. being paid by the prosecuting entity.

Many believe that this creates a somewhat renegade mentality of shoot first and ask questions later and if you are found justified all will be paid for you. In addition, there is a common belief that this law has a color barrier (the darker you are the less this law applies to you).

This being said, what do you think of the ‘stand your ground’ law? Do you believe it is justified and possibly needs to be more specific in its guidelines? ? Do you believe that there is no way to fix this law and the only option is to repeal it? How do you feel race comes in to play with this statute?

Join The Conversation; we want to hear your opinions.

If you are interested in repealing this law, petitions to repeal the ‘stand your ground’ law are available at the links below.


"Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine." Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine. N.p., 17 July 2013. Web. 17 July 2013.

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